Easy Exercises When You’re Stressed Out

Stress and anxiety often create tension, which can tense the muscles throughout your body. This compounds the irritability you already have and results in physical symptoms or ailments. The vicious cycle may cause ongoing anxiety. Some people suffer from anxiety disorders, mental health issues that exaggerate or emphasize everyday stress.

A certain amount of stress and anxiety can’t be avoided. Sometimes it helps you to overcome daily obstacles. However, when your anxiety starts to feel overwhelming, simple exercises can help relieve stress and return normal functioning. Just a few minutes a day with these exercises helps prevent the stress and anxiety that affect your daily activities. Set aside time for deep breathing, visualization or progressive muscle relaxation. I wrote about these and other easy exercises for Livestrong . . . read more.

1 thought on “Easy Exercises When You’re Stressed Out

  1. pnchbgs

    Working out is the funnest activity I’ve ever done in my life. I used to be fat and hated my life, but now everything is awesome because I work out all the time, any day I’m stressed because of it. And I have dreaded days where that happens.

    punching bag


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